Howard Roberts (State of Maryland)
Howard Roberts is the President of Harrier LLC. Harrier’s clients have included major U.S. and European companies and authorities such as Amtrak, New Jersey Transit, Coach USA, Stagecoach, the Santa Clara Transportation Authority, and CGEA Transport. Mr. Roberts was the Senior Vice President for Transit & Rail at Sam Schwartz Engineering (SSE) from February 2010 to June 2013. At SSE, he completed an operations assessment of Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro), which was expanded to include an evaluation of LA Metro’s safety culture. He also served as the Principal Investigator/Project Manager and primary author of the Transportation Research Board’s (TRB) TCRP Report 174: Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation. Mr. Roberts was the President of New York City Transit (NYCT) from April 2007 to November 2009. Mr. Roberts took many actions to instill a robust safety culture throughout the agency’s sizeable subway and bus systems. Mr. Roberts’ major accomplishment at NYCT came from collaborating closely with labor representatives to advance an effort that significantly curtailed deaths of track workers and dramatically improved track worker safety. The success of this safety intervention is notable, as found in the TRB’s TCRP Report 174. In the 20 years prior to the safety effort, track worker deaths averaged approximately one per year; in the six years after the safety intervention, track deaths plummeted with only one track worker death in the six-year timespan. Mr. Roberts served as the Deputy General Manager of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) from 1989 to 1997 and the Senior Vice President of Surface Transit at NYCT from January 1983 to September 1986. Mr. Roberts served in the U.S. Army from 1961 to 1981, retiring with the rank of full colonel. His military career included service in Vietnam and assignments on the White House staff. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the United States Military Academy and a Master of Science in Engineering and a Master of Public Affairs from Princeton University. Mr. Roberts’ term on the WMSC expires in 2019.